Richland Motor Cars

Rover aluminum V8 & modern 5-speed gearbox

Jaguar IRS: rebuilt, narrowed & installed in MGB

Custom MGB interior, dashboard, ac, and wiring
At Richland Motor Cars we specialize in building turnkey and bespoke MGB-V8 conversions
based on Rover aluminum V8 engines. These engines provide a great deal of power while
improving the MGB's legendary character, balance and handling. (The aluminum V8 engines
weigh significantly less than MGB cast-iron four cylinder engines.) Parts are readily
available and it's easy to upgrade to more power.
We usually mate the Rover engine to Borg Warner T5 gearboxes (as used in Camaros in the
1990's) and modified Chevy S10 rear axles (because they work well with the T5, have
excellent brakes, and can economically be set-up with appropriate gear ratios.) For even
better performance, we're quite skilled and experienced at rebuilding, narrowing and
installing Jaguar independent rear suspensions (IRS) in MGB's.
We offer turnkey MGB-V8 cars for sale, or we can complete projects to your specifications.
We're expert at integrating all aspects of the conversion process, including detailing
the engine compartment, customizing the vehicle interior, and upgrading the car's electrical
and climate control systems for vastly improved safety, comfort and reliability.
We don't offer conversion kits or parts... that's a big advantage to our customers because
it means we can provide more objective advice and more concentrated service. We have excellent
working relationships with all the important V8 conversion parts specialists because we're not
competing with them.
Please contact us for more information on MGB-V8 conversions!
Richland Motor Cars
Tom Hoagland, proprietor
P.O. Box 311
Palmyra, MI 93010
telephone: (517) 410-7628