From the Editor: Dan Masters (Volume XI, Issue 2 - May 2003)
Time is nature's way of preventing everything from happening at the same time. Given that we can't do everything at once, man has devised schedules to cope with this limitation. To get this newsletter out on time, I had scheduled myself to start on it during the last week in March. That would have given me five weeks before I had to set it aside to put on the British 2003 V8 convention in May, and then another week or so to finish it afterwards. As many of you already know, that didn't happen.Just before I was scheduled to start, I decided that I really needed to cut down that huge Sycamore tree that was buckling my driveway and making such a mess. While standing on a ladder about 20ft off the ground, the branch I was trimming broke off suddenly and unexpectedly, hitting me in the head and knocking me unconscious. The 20ft fall to the ground, and the resulting injuries, pretty much put paid to the idea of getting anything done for a while.
Luckily, I will recover completely from my injuries, but it will be some time yet before
I'm back to normal. Currently, I can't spend more than 30-45 minutes at a time working on
the computer until the pain forces me to stop. Working 30-45 minutes at a time is no way
to get a newsletter out on time. My apologies for the delay, but I'm sure you will all
understand. The next newsletter should be out on time.
Speaking of the British V8 2003, were you there? Please forgive me if I'm a little bit biased, but I think this year's convention was a huge success. At least that's what I gathered from the feedback I got. You can read more about it in Pete and Sue Mantell's article beginning on page 3. I was there, and yet I wasn't. Between making sure everything got off as scheduled and nursing my injuries, I didn't really get to participate as much as I would have liked to. All of which makes me doubly excited looking forward to British V8 2004 in Grand Rapids, MI, the last weekend in August. Once again, Steve Carrick is coordinating the event, and if you were in Grand Rapids last year, you know what a superb job Steve and his pals did. Even though last year's event was enjoyed by all, Steve is open to suggestions as to how it could be even better next year. Contact Steve at MGBV8 @ iserv.net and let him know what you'd like.
Speaking of the British V8 2003, were you there? Please forgive me if I'm a little bit biased, but I think this year's convention was a huge success. At least that's what I gathered from the feedback I got. You can read more about it in Pete and Sue Mantell's article beginning on page 3. I was there, and yet I wasn't. Between making sure everything got off as scheduled and nursing my injuries, I didn't really get to participate as much as I would have liked to. All of which makes me doubly excited looking forward to British V8 2004 in Grand Rapids, MI, the last weekend in August. Once again, Steve Carrick is coordinating the event, and if you were in Grand Rapids last year, you know what a superb job Steve and his pals did. Even though last year's event was enjoyed by all, Steve is open to suggestions as to how it could be even better next year. Contact Steve at MGBV8 @ iserv.net and let him know what you'd like.
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How 'bout you guys on the western part of the country? Bill Guzman is planning a British
V8 2004 West so you guys can attend without driving all across the country to get there.
Plans are still tentative as yet, possibly in Southern California in July or August, but
you should contact Bill at bg.gtv6 @ verizon.net NOW and let him know your desires.
The sooner you let him know your feelings, the better he can plan.
Dave Kirkman has stepped up to volunteer to set up the 2005 event, in Terre Haute, IN, probably some time in July. 2005 is a long way off, but it is not at all too soon to start planning. Help Dave help you, contact him now at mg.kirkman @ verizon.net and give him your ideas.
BritishV8 2005West is still open. Anyone want to step up to the plate and volunteer to coordinate it? Contact me if you are interested. British V8 2006 East may return to Townsend, TN for a rerun if there is enough interest. Is there? Let me know and I'll start planning for it now. Well, my 30-45 minutes are up now, so I'll close out this editorial and go rest up before I start working on another article.
(Note: the information here as to what car was driven to the event is taken from the registration form, and may not accurately reflect what was actually driven. If no car is listed, no car was entered on the registration form)
Dave Kirkman has stepped up to volunteer to set up the 2005 event, in Terre Haute, IN, probably some time in July. 2005 is a long way off, but it is not at all too soon to start planning. Help Dave help you, contact him now at mg.kirkman @ verizon.net and give him your ideas.
BritishV8 2005West is still open. Anyone want to step up to the plate and volunteer to coordinate it? Contact me if you are interested. British V8 2006 East may return to Townsend, TN for a rerun if there is enough interest. Is there? Let me know and I'll start planning for it now. Well, my 30-45 minutes are up now, so I'll close out this editorial and go rest up before I start working on another article.
(Note: the information here as to what car was driven to the event is taken from the registration form, and may not accurately reflect what was actually driven. If no car is listed, no car was entered on the registration form)