"Banner Class" Example - Photo Submitted by Bob Elwin
Update: The British V8 Newsletter Photo Contest!
One benefit of moving The British V8 Newsletter online was to facilitate sharing colorful photos of the cars we love. If you poke around on this website you'll find about 3000 photos so far, and we add more almost every day. Cool! But frankly, in my humble opinion, two things could improve. Number 1: I'd really like to see more photos of PEOPLE HAVING FUN with their cars. Number 2: I could really use some help finding glamorous photos to keep the main pages of the website looking "fresh" for frequent visitors and to spice-up general-interest newsletter columns.These two selfish desires are the impetus behind the two classes of our first-ever British V8 Newsletter Photo Contest! The rules will be simple, the judging will be arbitrary, the prizes will probably be almost non-existent... but there's still a big reward for participating: we'll all have some great photos to look at! Interested?
Here Are The Rules
"General" Class:
The theme for this class is "People Having Fun With Performance-Modified British Sports Cars." To be a winner or runner-up in this class, photos must include both people and cars. No exceptions. Second rule: it must be possible for a "reasonably knowledgeable enthusiast" to spot some detail of the car that's modified from "original". Either the people or the cars can be the emphasis of the photo. Points will be given for composition and craft... but also for how much fun the people are having and for how cool the performance mods are. Winners will be selected at the discretion of the judge or judges.
Most of the photos on our website are displayed 600 pixels wide by 450 pixels tall. The photographer needn't be concerned about this, but the judge or judges will be asked to give preference to photos that look good when re-sized or cropped to this size. (Please see the General Submission Guidelines.)

"General Class" Example - Photo Submitted by Bill Young
"Banner" Class:
The theme for this class is "Performance-Modified British Sports Cars." To be a winner or runner-up in this class, photos must show the modification in a glamorous way. Showing a badge, decal or painted logo that indicates or suggests the existence of a modification counts too. The photo doesn't need to contain people. Points will be given for the photographer's creativity, composition and craftsmanship. Winners will be selected at the discretion of the judge or judges.
Photos submitted for the Banner Class should look great when cropped or resized to 700 pixels wide by about 200 pixels tall. (See above for an example.) The photos may be cropped before submission, or the actual cropping may be left to the judge's imagination. (From my personal perspective, as editor and not as judge, the latter is actually preferable. Please see the General Submission Guidelines.)
"General" Class:
The theme for this class is "People Having Fun With Performance-Modified British Sports Cars." To be a winner or runner-up in this class, photos must include both people and cars. No exceptions. Second rule: it must be possible for a "reasonably knowledgeable enthusiast" to spot some detail of the car that's modified from "original". Either the people or the cars can be the emphasis of the photo. Points will be given for composition and craft... but also for how much fun the people are having and for how cool the performance mods are. Winners will be selected at the discretion of the judge or judges.
Most of the photos on our website are displayed 600 pixels wide by 450 pixels tall. The photographer needn't be concerned about this, but the judge or judges will be asked to give preference to photos that look good when re-sized or cropped to this size. (Please see the General Submission Guidelines.)
"General Class" Example - Photo Submitted by Bill Young
"Banner" Class:
The theme for this class is "Performance-Modified British Sports Cars." To be a winner or runner-up in this class, photos must show the modification in a glamorous way. Showing a badge, decal or painted logo that indicates or suggests the existence of a modification counts too. The photo doesn't need to contain people. Points will be given for the photographer's creativity, composition and craftsmanship. Winners will be selected at the discretion of the judge or judges.
Photos submitted for the Banner Class should look great when cropped or resized to 700 pixels wide by about 200 pixels tall. (See above for an example.) The photos may be cropped before submission, or the actual cropping may be left to the judge's imagination. (From my personal perspective, as editor and not as judge, the latter is actually preferable. Please see the General Submission Guidelines.)
General Submission Guidelines
You may submit your photos however is most convenient for you, including e-mail. Our contact information can always be found here: http://www.britishv8.org/British-V8-Contact-Info.htm If you're submitting the photos as digital files, then "the higher the resolution the better". If you submit the photos by physical mail, please indicate whether you want them returned. (It wouldn't hurt to include return postage.) You may submit however many photos you like. If you submit a photo that meets the criteria of both classes, it will be judged separately in both classes.
No matter how you submit your photos, we ask that you document them as follows:
a) Please specify your full name, how we should credit you, and how we may contact you.
(Include this with all submitted materials.)
b) Please only submit photos that you took yourself.
c) Please advise us the names of any people who appear in the photo, if you know their names.
d) Please advise us the owners of the car/cars that appear in the photo, if you know their names.
e) Please advise us the make, model, and year of the cars. (Generally, the more info the better!)
Some photographers like to develop their own film. Others like to alter their photos digitally. The contest rules neither restrict nor prohibit this, but we don't particularly want to encourage it either. Generally, high resolution un-altered images are what we prefer to receive. Please note, however, that we routinely modify photos before showing them on our website. For example, we use several optimization tools and techniques to reduce digital file size. We also frequently crop, re-size, and brighten photos. We have a weird habit of airbrushing out at least one or two digits from license plate numbers (unless they're vanity plates).
Participating in this contest implies that you're making the photos available to The British V8 Newsletter for use at our discretion. We will credit you as the photographer, but we will claim copyright rights on any and all photos that appear on our website or in our newsletter. If you don't own a photo or if you're uncomfortable with our having the right to display it, please don't submit it.
You may submit your photos however is most convenient for you, including e-mail. Our contact information can always be found here: http://www.britishv8.org/British-V8-Contact-Info.htm If you're submitting the photos as digital files, then "the higher the resolution the better". If you submit the photos by physical mail, please indicate whether you want them returned. (It wouldn't hurt to include return postage.) You may submit however many photos you like. If you submit a photo that meets the criteria of both classes, it will be judged separately in both classes.
No matter how you submit your photos, we ask that you document them as follows:
a) Please specify your full name, how we should credit you, and how we may contact you.
(Include this with all submitted materials.)
b) Please only submit photos that you took yourself.
c) Please advise us the names of any people who appear in the photo, if you know their names.
d) Please advise us the owners of the car/cars that appear in the photo, if you know their names.
e) Please advise us the make, model, and year of the cars. (Generally, the more info the better!)
Some photographers like to develop their own film. Others like to alter their photos digitally. The contest rules neither restrict nor prohibit this, but we don't particularly want to encourage it either. Generally, high resolution un-altered images are what we prefer to receive. Please note, however, that we routinely modify photos before showing them on our website. For example, we use several optimization tools and techniques to reduce digital file size. We also frequently crop, re-size, and brighten photos. We have a weird habit of airbrushing out at least one or two digits from license plate numbers (unless they're vanity plates).
Participating in this contest implies that you're making the photos available to The British V8 Newsletter for use at our discretion. We will credit you as the photographer, but we will claim copyright rights on any and all photos that appear on our website or in our newsletter. If you don't own a photo or if you're uncomfortable with our having the right to display it, please don't submit it.
Judging, Awards, and Deadlines
Breaking news! I've recently recruited two impartial, well-qualified and thoroughly fun-loving judges: Dreama and Robert Milks! Based on my interview with them, I know they're looking forward to making up additional categories to judge photos by. If you're the "competitive type", that means MORE CHANCES TO WIN!!!
We're still working on identifying potential prizes. (Contact me if you'd like to sponsor the contest and provide awards!)
The deadline for all entries is July 15, 2007. Winners will be judged and announced at the British V8 Meet in August!
I wish everyone good luck and hope everyone who participates enjoys this informal competition!
Curtis Jacobson, editor
Breaking news! I've recently recruited two impartial, well-qualified and thoroughly fun-loving judges: Dreama and Robert Milks! Based on my interview with them, I know they're looking forward to making up additional categories to judge photos by. If you're the "competitive type", that means MORE CHANCES TO WIN!!!
We're still working on identifying potential prizes. (Contact me if you'd like to sponsor the contest and provide awards!)
The deadline for all entries is July 15, 2007. Winners will be judged and announced at the British V8 Meet in August!
I wish everyone good luck and hope everyone who participates enjoys this informal competition!
Curtis Jacobson, editor