(The "before" picture...)
Canadian Corner (Volume XII, Issue 2 - May 2004)
by: Martyn HarveyIt seems as though we have only two seasons in South-Western Ontario - winter and July! So far this spring season has given us only a handful of sports car driving days.
Actually, I have been quite accepting of the cold, wet weather because it has allowed me to spend more time working in the garage on my winter project. Last summer I "lost" second gear on my MGBV8. The winter project was to replace the MG box with a Rover 5-speed box but, as you all know, "one thing leads to another!." And so the project grew into a rubber-to-chrome bumper conversion, a cooling system upgrade, a brake system overhaul, an RV8 header and exhaust system conversion, and, of course, a new gearbox installation. I am happy to report that it was all worth the time, effort and money!

The first test drive was today and was very exciting, even if it was cold and dark. The car started, the engine performed well and the brakes worked. So what if the turn signals didn't work, the reverse lights only worked in the forward gears and the overdrive wouldn't engage? (I knew I should have stuck to the Rover gearbox swap!) Nothing beats the experience of owning and driving an MGBV8, especially, as most people reading this already know, if one has built the car oneself.
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There are several MGB-V8 conversion projects still under construction in Canada at
this time, each one unique and different from the other.
To name just a few that I know of:
• Simon Austin's Rover-powered Sebring-flared roadster
• Barrie Robinson's Rover-powered Can-Australian MGBGT
• Gerry Reis's Rover-powered red roadster
• Ray Manerowski's Rover-powered Black BLE
• David Wilms' Buick 300 powered 79 roadster
See you in Grand Rapids in August!
To name just a few that I know of:
• Simon Austin's Rover-powered Sebring-flared roadster
• Barrie Robinson's Rover-powered Can-Australian MGBGT
• Gerry Reis's Rover-powered red roadster
• Ray Manerowski's Rover-powered Black BLE
• David Wilms' Buick 300 powered 79 roadster
See you in Grand Rapids in August!