From the Editor: Dan Masters (Volume IX, Issue 3 - September 2001)
This is not the editorial I wanted to write. If you are reading this, then you are probably aware of the problems the newsletter has been having, and the steps that have been taken to resolve them. In case you aren't, I'll briefly outline them here.Firstly, a brief description of how the newsletter staff has been organized since Kurt Schley turned over the reins to the new staff. Don Rausch has been acting as the publisher, which meant he controlled the business aspects, such as maintaining the subscriber list, collecting subscription fees, handling the advertising account - basically, anything having to do with money. Also, he has had the responsibility for getting the newsletter printed and in the mail to the readers.
My responsibility, as the editor, consisted of gathering up the material for articles, formatting the newsletter, and getting a reproducible master copy to Don for mass reproduction.
After the first issue, I was not happy with the timeliness or quality of the newsletter, so I contacted Don to discuss making some changes.
It was decided that I would print and distribute the newsletter from here, rather than sending the master copy to Florida. To do this, I purchased a Hewlett-Packard model 8150 printer, one that will make high quality prints on 11"x17" paper. Each newsletter would then be an original, not a "Xerox." In addition, Don was to provide me with the mailing list so I could get the newsletters out to subscribers.
As you know, it hasn't worked out that way. As of this date, I haven't received the mailing list, so I am not able to get the newsletter out to those who have sent in their money and subscribed to the newsletter. The best compromise I can work out in the interim is to publish the newsletter electronically over the Internet. An informal survey of subscribers on the MGBV8 Internet mailing list indicated that most readers would be happy to receive the newsletter in this format. Therefore, beginning with this issue, the newsletter will be published in both hard copy and electronic format.
What to do about those who are not connected to the Internet, or who simply prefer hard copy? Without knowing who they are - and I can't know without the mailing list - there isn't a lot I can do. All I can do wait until a disgruntled subscriber contacts me to gripe, and deal with them on a one-to-one basis. I would ask you then to contact as many people as you know who may not be aware of the problem and let them know. I have revised the BritishV8 web site to explain the changes, so maybe that will get the word out to many, through their online friends.
Just as soon as I can identify a subscriber, I will get a hard copy to them if that's their preference. By printing the newsletter myself, I can make copies in an "on-demand" basis. This also means that back issues will always be available, as I will keep the computer files on hand indefinitely.
Now, on to better topics! The first issue of the newly named British V8 newsletter is history. There have been no mutinies, no lynchings, no Triumphs burned in effigy, so I suppose the name and scope change is OK with the readers.
Given that the scope change must be OK, what about the quality and content of the first issue under the new editorship? The response to the last issue could best be described as a "thundering silence!" I've heard no comments at all, pro or con.
It was decided that I would print and distribute the newsletter from here, rather than sending the master copy to Florida. To do this, I purchased a Hewlett-Packard model 8150 printer, one that will make high quality prints on 11"x17" paper. Each newsletter would then be an original, not a "Xerox." In addition, Don was to provide me with the mailing list so I could get the newsletters out to subscribers.
As you know, it hasn't worked out that way. As of this date, I haven't received the mailing list, so I am not able to get the newsletter out to those who have sent in their money and subscribed to the newsletter. The best compromise I can work out in the interim is to publish the newsletter electronically over the Internet. An informal survey of subscribers on the MGBV8 Internet mailing list indicated that most readers would be happy to receive the newsletter in this format. Therefore, beginning with this issue, the newsletter will be published in both hard copy and electronic format.
What to do about those who are not connected to the Internet, or who simply prefer hard copy? Without knowing who they are - and I can't know without the mailing list - there isn't a lot I can do. All I can do wait until a disgruntled subscriber contacts me to gripe, and deal with them on a one-to-one basis. I would ask you then to contact as many people as you know who may not be aware of the problem and let them know. I have revised the BritishV8 web site to explain the changes, so maybe that will get the word out to many, through their online friends.
Just as soon as I can identify a subscriber, I will get a hard copy to them if that's their preference. By printing the newsletter myself, I can make copies in an "on-demand" basis. This also means that back issues will always be available, as I will keep the computer files on hand indefinitely.
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Now, on to better topics! The first issue of the newly named British V8 newsletter is history. There have been no mutinies, no lynchings, no Triumphs burned in effigy, so I suppose the name and scope change is OK with the readers.
Given that the scope change must be OK, what about the quality and content of the first issue under the new editorship? The response to the last issue could best be described as a "thundering silence!" I've heard no comments at all, pro or con.
That ain't no way to run a railroad, folks. I need feedback. Let me know what you like, and what you don't like. Otherwise, you get what I like (I tend to like electrical stuff, but we wouldn't want to see this newsletter turn into.
More important, let me know what you would like to see covered in future issues. Are you having a problem with your conversion? Let me know, maybe I can find someone who's been there, done that, and will share their knowledge with us. Having a problem selecting a cam? Understanding cam specs? Let me know, and I'll do my best to get the info for you.
Even more important yet, how about sharing your knowledge and experience with the rest of us? You don't have to be a writer to submit articles for publication. Just send the info in as best you can, and I'll convert it into a reasonable facsimile of a magazine article for you. Pictures help. Pictures help a LOT! A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Pictures take up about the same space as a hundred words, so that's a real deal - ten for the price of one! If you have a digital camera, and can send the photos to me electronically, that's fine, but I can convert traditional film prints for you, and return your pictures to you unharmed.
I am committed to keeping the newsletter alive, and with your help, we can.
Thank you for your patience and understanding, and send those articles in!
More important, let me know what you would like to see covered in future issues. Are you having a problem with your conversion? Let me know, maybe I can find someone who's been there, done that, and will share their knowledge with us. Having a problem selecting a cam? Understanding cam specs? Let me know, and I'll do my best to get the info for you.
Even more important yet, how about sharing your knowledge and experience with the rest of us? You don't have to be a writer to submit articles for publication. Just send the info in as best you can, and I'll convert it into a reasonable facsimile of a magazine article for you. Pictures help. Pictures help a LOT! A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Pictures take up about the same space as a hundred words, so that's a real deal - ten for the price of one! If you have a digital camera, and can send the photos to me electronically, that's fine, but I can convert traditional film prints for you, and return your pictures to you unharmed.
I am committed to keeping the newsletter alive, and with your help, we can.
Thank you for your patience and understanding, and send those articles in!